Mind you I have not used this conditioner for almost a year, but I'm trying to use all my products before buying more so I decided to use the rest of this. BIG MISTAKE!! BIG!!! When my hair was shorter, this was my go to conditioner, I mean it had to be good if I bought a whole gallon right?!?! After co-washing I applied a generous amount of Giovanni conditioner, adding water to help distribute the product evenly throughout my hair. As I worked the product through, trying to finger detangle, I noticed my hair began to tangle more. I mean there was no slip, no moisture, NOTHING!! Now I don't want to give Giovanni a bad reap or anything because like I said this use to be my best friend, maybe it had gone bad or something over the past year. Any who, I needed a save quick!! This was the only conditioner I had left so I did a quick inventory check in my head and decided to try the new Luv Naturals leave-in that I recently purchased. I divided my hair into two sections and applied a generous amount to each side. Immediately the tangles began to melt away. The moisture and slip was amazing. After rinsing, I then applied a small amount to leave in. I did not have to use anything else so I did a couple of twist and put my satin bonnet on. This leave-in gets the full LOVE from me because even though it's not a rinse out conditioner it still worked amazingly. Any product that has multiple uses gets nothing but LOVE from me, next I will try it as a deep conditioner. This product line has a detangler, shampoo, conditioner and leave-in. It can be purchased at www.luvnaturals.com. I only purchased the leave-in, however I will try the conditioner and I will also repurchase the leave-in. Please leave a comment and let me know if you have tried the Luv Naturals product line and how did you like it. Also what are your favorite conditioners right now? Until next time...
Live for Love...